
Star wars jet trooper
Star wars jet trooper

star wars jet trooper star wars jet trooper

  • Jet Troopers can effectively remove deployed Droidekas.
  • Aiming takes some practice but retaliation is difficult.
  • After a couple of seconds, a Jet Trooper can fire their held weapon while flying.
  • When a Jet Trooper runs out of EMP Launcher ammo, they can use the Commando Pistol to great effect, especially if from an unexpected angle, which could award them with the Precision Pistol, a must-have for the Jet Trooper.
  • star wars jet trooper

  • Jet Troopers can also fly up to tactical positions to get a better angle on opponents.
  • A Jet Trooper's jetpack allows them to fly in any direction.
  • However, co-ordinated with ground-based attacks, an enemy group will find themselves having to defend from two angles. With low health, it is not suited to meeting enemies head-on.
  • A Jet Trooper's strength lies in the unit's mobility.
  • The Jet Trooper's jetpack can also be used to attack entrenched enemies from above. These are most effective against groups of enemies, especially well dug-in groups, as the explosive projectile can easily deal with enemies behind cover. However, it has low health, rendering it weak against enemy snipers.
  • Jet Troopers have high speed and a jetpack, which provides great mobility.
  • The phase II variant, from all Battlefront II maps excluding Geonosis.

    Star wars jet trooper